Embassy of Palestine Marks Declaration of Independence & International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
To mark Palestine’s Declaration of Independence and the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the Embassy of the State of Palestine organized on 29 November, 2021, an evening of solidarity, art and music, including the honoring [...]
New book about the West Bank by Lena Fredriksson
Freelance journalist and photographer Lena Fredriksson made several journalistic trips to the West Bank to gather material and interview Palestinians from all walks of life for this photo documentary book with texts about life under Israeli occupation. The book All [...]
إعلان صادر عن وزارة الخارجية والمغتربين الفلسطينية
بخصوص حركة وسفر المواطنين والطلبة الفلسطينيين من وإلى الوطن نلفت عنايتكم الى التالي: 1. أي مواطن يقوم بحجز تذكرة سفر للتوجه إلى المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية الشقيقة دون حصوله على التنسيقات اللازمة التي تتم عبر وزارةالخارجية والمغتربين، سيخضع بالضرورة للترتيبات والبروتوكولات [...]
Global Response to Israeli Apartheid: A Call to the UNGA from Palestinian and international Civil Society Organizations
In response to Israeli apartheid in general and in light of the mounting recognition of Israel’s maintenance of its apartheid regime over the Palestinian people, Palestinian and international Civil Society Organizations have issued an appeal to the UN General Assembly [...]