Consular Services


  1. Applications for issuance and renewal of Palestinian passports.
  2. Ratification of certificates, official documents and power of attorney.
  3. Certificates of authenticity of Palestinian passports.
  4. Proof of Palestinian citizenship.
  5. Powers of attorney.

Documents issued in Sweden that need to be used in Palestine must be legalised by the Swedish Foreign Ministry.

Documents issued in Palestine that need to be used in Sweden must be legalised by the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Expatriates, then authenticated by the Embassy of the State of Palestine.

Such documents include:

  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Divorce certificates
  • Educational certificates from schools and universities
  • Powers of attorney
  • Commercial documents

Passport Renewal

The Embassy of the State of Palestine sends passport applications to the Palestinian Ministry of Interior in Ramallah, the West Bank. Upon receiving the new passports, the Embassy delivers them to their respective holders.

Power of Attorney

Wakalah – made to a nominated person in Palestine to deal with personal matters such as divorce, marriage, financial issues, renewal and issuing of passports or property matters may be arranged at the Consular Section of the Embassy. The applicant needs to visit the Embassy with original identification documents and the name and ID documents of his/her nominee.

Power of Attorney concerning land matters such as purchase or sale are subject to strict regulations.

Opening Hours

The Consular Section receives visitors by appointment on week days.
Except for Fridays and public holidays, from 10:00-13:30.

For appointments please call: +46 (0) 8 15 15 88 – Ext. 1, Consular Section.

For inquiries please send to:

UD Legaliseringar

Telefon: 08-405 51 00
Besöksadress / العنوان للزيارة
Malmtorgsgatan 3 A, Stockholm
Besökstid: Måndag – Torsdag 09.00-11.00

Postadress / العنوان البريدي
Utrikesdepartementet, UD Legaliseringar, 103 39 Stockholm