أسعدنا لقاء السيد بيير شوري، الدبلوماسي السويدي السابق والسياسي التابع للحزب الاشتراكي الديمقراطي، إذ أعرب السيد شوري عن دعمه وتضامنه المستمر مع الشعب الفلسطيني.

يذكر أن فخامة الرئيس محمود عباس قد قلد الشهر الماضي السيد شوري وسام نجمة الاستحقاق والتميز.

Amb. Almhaissen had the great pleasure of meeting Mr. Pierre Schori, former Swedish diplomat and politician from the the Social Democratic Party. The exchange was warm, cordial and valuable, as Mr. Schori has always expressed unfailing support and solidarity with the Palestinian people and their struggle to restore their just legitimate rights. Mr. Schori has recently been awarded the Palestine Order of Merit and Distinction by H.E. President Mahmoud Abbas.